
Steps to Take After a Rideshare Accident in San Francisco

Rideshare programs are becoming extremely popular today. Companies such as Uber and Lyft have provided a convenient way for people to get around. They have also been touted as a safer means of transportation, particularly for those who have been drinking alcohol. However, ridesharing drivers are just as likely to get into an accident as any other type of driver. When these crashes occur, it is important to determine which driver was negligent so that injured passengers can hold them liable. When filing a claim, taking the steps outlined below is important to increase your chances of success.

Call the Police

Whether you were the other driver involved in the crash, or the passenger inside the ridesharing vehicle, you should call the police after an accident. If the ridesharing driver was negligent, other motorists and passengers can file a claim against them or the company. If you were a passenger in the ridesharing vehicle and another driver was at fault, you will need to hold them liable. In any case, a police report will indicate the negligent behaviors that caused the accident, and the party that was at fault. All of these details will help bolster your claim.

Seek Medical Attention

If you are critically injured, you must call an ambulance to the scene to get medical attention as soon as possible. If you are able, you can wait until you leave the accident scene but you must visit an emergency room or see a doctor right away. 

Insurance companies are notorious for refusing to pay out on claims, particularly after a ridesharing accident. If the rideshare driver was at fault for the crash, Uber offers $1 million in insurance coverage in certain situations. Lyft has a similar policy. Insurers will do anything to avoid paying out on these large claims. If you do not seek medical attention, they will argue that you were not hurt and so, you do not deserve coverage.

Collect Evidence

You will need sufficient evidence to prove the liable party was at fault for the accident. To do this, take pictures of the accident scene, documenting the damage to all vehicles involved as well as road hazards. Take a variety of shots, including closeups and landscapes of the scene, and use different angles. 

Locate anyone who saw the accident occur and ask for their name and contact information. You can use them as witnesses in your claim. After the accident, it is also sometimes possible to collect video surveillance footage from nearby businesses. 

All of this evidence is critical to your case and will give you the best chance of a favorable outcome.

Call a California Car Accident Lawyer

Car accidents involving a ridesharing vehicle can get extremely complex. At Brod Law Firm, our experienced San Francisco car accident lawyer will collect the necessary evidence that will help you recover the damages you need. Call us today at (800) 427-7020 or contact us online to schedule a free case evaluation.

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