
Articles Posted in California bed bug class action


Bed Bug Science and California Bed Bug Law

Many of us have, at one time or another, been told to develop a “thicker skin.”  In colloquial usage, this generally means one should be less sensitive to criticism or other negative words.  However, it turns out that in the world of bed bugs a thicker skin is a very…


California Bed Bug Class Action Lawyer on Bed Bugs in Section 8 Housing

According to LA Weekly and State Assemblyman Nazarian (D, San Fernando Valley), eradicating bed bugs can cost anywhere from $400 to several thousand dollars.  This is a heavy burden for anyone, but it can seem astronomical to lower-income renters.  Our San Francisco bed bug lawyer stands ready to help renters…


The Mental and Emotional Toll of Bed Bugs

Think about a paper cut caused by a thin edge, a shaving nick caused by the smallest imperfection in a blade, or a bite from a mosquito you barely see that may carry deadly diseases.   These injuries prove that the neither the size of the wound nor the size of…

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