
Electric Scooter Laws in California

In the wake of an e-scooter fatality in Texas immediately following California’s loosening of electric scooter (e-scooter) laws, one has to wonder whether safety precautions can be taken by individuals regardless of what the law requires. Despite California’s new laws removing the requirement to wear a helmet while riding an e-scooter, California residents are well advised to stick to the following safety tips while riding an e-scooter in order to avoid accidents. If you have been involved in an accident in the Santa Rosa or San Francisco area, however, make sure to seek the counsel of an experienced personal injury attorney immediately so that you can obtain the compensation you deserve for your injuries.

Always be Alert

While sharing the road with cars, bicycles, and pedestrians, the most important safety precaution you can take is to stay alert. There are many ways you can stay alert while riding on an e-scooter, including the following:

  • Follow the speed limit: The speed limit is there for a reason. While it is pretty difficult to be a speed demon on an e-scooter, if you do have a scooter that can go above the speed limit, resist the urge. The faster you are speeding along on your e-scooter, the more grave any resulting injuries may be.
  • Watch for pedestrians, cars, and bicycles: Be aware of your surroundings. Make sure you know which pedestrians, cars, and bicycles are in your immediate surrounding, so that you do not inadvertently get into someone else’s way. Before making any turns, especially left turns, make sure you look behind you and ensure there are no bicycles attempting to pass you before you turn.
  • Look out for potholes: Similarly to bicyclists, e-scooter riders must be on the constant lookout for potholes because a large pothole can cause the wheel on your e-scooter to blow out, get stuck, or flip over. Always look ahead and look out for any potholes that may be standing in your way, so that you have enough time to avoid the pothole.
  • Do not text or talk on your phone: One of the biggest distractions for drivers and e-scooter riders alike is texting and driving or talking on the phone and driving. While it is possible to drive a car and have your phone on speaker phone, it is a lot harder to arrange this while riding on an e-scooter. Put away your phone altogether, and focus on the road.
  • Do not listen to loud music while riding: While it may be tempting to blare music in your over-the-ear headphones while riding your scooter, especially on longer commutes, it can be dangerous to do so. When your music is blaring so loudly that you are unable to hear what is going on around you, you are not alert to your surroundings. When a car honks at you or when a bicycle whizzes past you and you fail to hear it, your chances of getting into an accident are much higher.

Remember that it is always better to be safe than sorry. Even though California no longer requires you to wear a helmet while riding an e-scooter, it is a good idea to do so regardless. If you or a loved one has already been injured in an e-scooter accident, contact us online or at (800) 427-7020 for your free case evaluation today.

(image courtesy of Nathan Dumlao)

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