Articles Tagged with lane splitting

nabeel-syed-2856-copy-300x200Lane splitting occurs when a motorcyclist travels between two lanes of traffic. Bikers typically do this when traffic has come to a complete stop or when it is slow-moving. This gives the biker an advantage over other vehicles because it allows them to move through traffic faster and exit a traffic jam. Lane splitting is one of the most controversial practices regarding motorcycles in California. While proponents of it say that the practice does not contribute to the amount of motorcycle accidents, others say it is extremely dangerous. So, what does California law say about lane splitting?

Lane Splitting Law in California

Many people think that California is the only state in which the law specifically allows for lane splitting. This is not entirely true. While bikers are not usually pulled over or discouraged from lane splitting, there simply is no law on the books that either allows it or prohibits the practice. However, in 2016, Governor Brown passed Assembly Bill 51, which gave the California Highway Patrol the authority to instate lane splitting safety guidelines.

nabeel-syed-2856-copy-300x200If you were part of an auto accident while riding your motorcycle, you likely have to deal with a contributory negligence claim during your personal injury insurance claim or lawsuit. Due to negative stereotypes regarding motorcycle riders and an insurer’s constant fight to protect its bottom line, the insurer or other driver may allege that you were partially at fault for the accident. They may even claim that you were more responsible for the accident than the other driver. This is particularly common if there was any evidence that you were lane splitting. However, in California, lane splitting is legal and therefore, not inherently negligent.

If you were in accident while lane splitting, contact our experienced San Francisco personal injury lawyers from Brod Law Firm at (800) 427-7020.

California Law on Lane Splitting

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