
Articles Posted in Food Law


Contaminated Water and the Threat of Waterborne Illness

Water is an essential building block of life.  In recent years, numerous public health campaigns have touted the importance of drinking water, especially as an alternative to sugary sodas and juice drinks.  Environmentalists have urged Americans to drink tap water in reusable containers rather than wasting countless plastic bottles.  The…


Illnesses and Deaths Tied to Multiple Foods Contaminated With Listeria

Imagine you’ve been hit by what feels like a nasty stomach flu.  You feel nauseous, develop diarrhea, and spike a fever.  Your body aches all over.  You feel miserable.  You haven’t heard about anything going around until you learn that a friend is battling a similar illness.  You and the…


Spotlight on Listeria as Retailers Pull Dips from Shelves Nationwide

Many of us have experienced the horrible feeling known as food poisoning. Illness can kick in anywhere from hours to days after eating and often involves intense gastrointestinal symptoms including vomiting and diarrhea. Most cases involve a very intense but relatively brief period of sickness. However, some foodborne illnesses can…


Long-Term Health Dangers of Pesticides Felt from Farm to Homes

Food safety is an issue of particular concern to toxic tort attorney Gregory J. Brod. The safe consumption of the food that we eat can be affected by a variety of factors along the way from farm to dinner table, including contamination from bacteria and other pathogens. However, one of…


During Peak Harvest Season, We Are Reminded of Dangers of Food-Borne Illnesses

September is a time of the year to take joy in the bounty of our nation’s agricultural sector. However enticing fresh-from-the-farm produce may seem this month, though, we need to be aware that food-borne illnesses can crop up just as easily in late summer and early fall as in any…


Celebrating Our Nation with a Safe and Happy Fourth of July

On the Fourth of July, we celebrate our nation and our freedom. It is a day filled with activity from parades to parties, barbeques to beaches, festivals to fireworks. Memories are made as families and communities gather. Ensuring the memories are happy means remembering the importance of keeping the holiday…


Northern California Food Safety Lawyer Comments on Preventing Food-Borne Illness After Contra Costa Woman Contracts Hepatitis A From Frozen Berries

Last fall, our San Francisco food safety law firm called attention to a marked increase in the number of Americans falling ill or even dying as a result of contaminated food. Foods recalled in 2012 included mangoes, cantaloupe, meat, and nut butter. This disturbing trend endangers public health and threatens…


Elder Care, Food Safety, and Other Legal Issues Implicated in Sacramento Poisoning

In law school, students take classes focused upon specific areas of the law, examining topics separately in order to grasp each legal concept. However, in the actual practice of civil litigation, legal issues overlap and a single incident can involve many different areas of law. Our Sacramento injury law firm…

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